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Meadidore Dragon -


Of the three dragon breeds known to inhabitants of Frais, Meadidores are the most naturally aggressive and destructive. Living mainly in mountainous regions such as Arvis, Vilantese, Mariak, and Banther, Meadidores hunt on the grassy plains and bodies of water below their mountain-side nests. Preying on livestock, humans, young Azories, and fish, Meadidores will eat almost anything they can kill. Meadidore dragons reach a period of accelerated growth mid-way though their second year, and it is not uncommon for a two year old Meadidore to be over fifteen feet in length. The largest Meadidores discovered have been known to be sixty feet long. Though Meadidores can be outsized by both Torians and Azories, Meadidore dragons are typically found to be larger than their opposing breeds.


Azorie Dragon -


Azorie dragons are extremely numerous and versatile, as they thrive in a number of differing environments.  Inhabiting areas such as rivers, lakes, seas, swamps, and oceans, Azorie dragons may be found in virtually any area that has not been heavily urbanized by humans. Though they can not fly, Azorie dragons thrive on land and in water, where their thick and powerful legs and tails aid them greatly. Azories prefer to hunt large fish, though they will eat livestock, humans, and other dragons if given the chance. While a full grown Azorie has no natural predators, their young fall prey to adult Meadidores, who are capable of carrying off an adolescent Azorie. These dragons grow rapidly for their first two years of life and quickly develop massive defensive spikes protruding from their side, back, neck, and tail. Because they can not fly, Azories can afford to be the most heavily armored and muscular dragons to be found. The rare Deep-sea Azories have been sighted more than a hundred miles off the coast and are known to grow to an enormous seventy feet.


Torian Dragon -


Torian dragons are widely accepted as the most valuable and prestigious breed. Their nests are rarely found, as Torians tend to travel to and from their dwelling place under the cover of darkness. Torians are most often seen in areas which have thick forests, mountain ranges, and large bodies of water easily accessible and are also known to be fond of islands. Though they do not have the ability to breath under water as Azories do, Torians are capable of holding their breath for several minutes while swimming with their webbed feet. When on land or in water, Torians fold their wings and hold them tightly against their bodies. The diet of a Torian consists of everything common to other breeds, with the exception that Torians are not known to eat other dragons. Like Azories, Torians grow rapidly for their first two years of life and are usually comparable in size to a Meadidore of the same age. The largest Torians ever found were both slightly over sixty feet long.


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